Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here's the latest

So I need to fill everyone in on what's been happening in the Fowler household - we've been busy!

Halloween was lots of fun. We actually had lots of trick-or-treaters. Had I known I would have bought more candy. I was looking forward to all the leftover candy, but the only stuff left was milk duds. Jer says it's because we have a yard now and are no longer the weirdos at the end of the street. Addyson went as a hula girl. Ella was dressed in a lady bug costume, but quickly freaked out while I was dressing her and then went to sleep.

Addyson doing the hula.

Before Ella's blessing I decided I wanted to paint the house before we had anyone over. I at least wanted to cover up the paint samples I've had on the wall for almost two years. My sister came over and helped me with it. I told Jer that I was doing an accent wall in the front room we're turning into a den/office room. I think he was a bit shocked at the color, but it turned out really nice.

The blessing turned out wonderful. Jeremie gave an awesome prayer. It was nice to have everyone over at the house afterwards. Thanks to everyone who came and brought food. I have to say that Ella was the prettiest baby. Her dress was so beautiful. It was so much fun to sew it with Grandma's supervision. I hope someday I have just half the knowledge she does. Thanks Grandma!!

I love this pictures. 4 generations!

Well, there you have it...the latest.


Pezlady Jana said...

okay, so I have to comment on everything...

Cute costumes! Halloween is definitely the best!

Love the paint color. That is pretty similar to one that I have picked out to do in our living room.

LOVE LOVE the blessing dress! Oh goodness that was so beautiful, and your family pic is so great!! I love the 4 generations picture too!!

Diana said...

I love it when you post! Thanks for sharing so many great pictures and for being in a few of them! The room looks fantastic, and I have to agree, Ella looked so BEAUTIFUL!

Emily said...

It's Emily I am stalkig your blog from Kristens so I hope you don't mind. :) I can't believe you helped make that dress it's so definitely have some major talent in your family.

Tiffani said...

Hey Lisa! THat picture of the four generations is so priceless. What a beautiful family you have! Also...I love the paint job. I need you to come and paint at my house!

Sheila said...

Your new pictures are so cute. I can not believe that you and your grandmother made that dress. That is absolutely amazing. It looks like you have been a very busy girl!

the harpers said...

I loved the new post! I see you all the time so I know whats going on...but it's fun to read your recap. Your house looks fantastic! The pictures don't do it justice. And Ella looked beautiful! That dress was amazing! could pick up a new part time job! Sew dresses for people!